Saturday, May 21, 2022

Hedonism of Joy!

Hedonism, for some reason, (let's blame the Puritans, the Bible-Thumpers, the Doomsday Folks & Gloomy Gus folks?), sort of gets a bad name, like, pursuing pleasure and happiness above all else, is somehow, bad, or sinful, or silly, or not worthy of a serious Human Being.

Maybe there is an error in the thought-process? What of a simple, disciplined, common, ordinary, grounded, soulful hedonism? A way of life dedicated to maximizing joy, pleasure, happiness, without engaging in risky, soul-nullifying behaviors? What of a Hedonism of Goodness? A Hedonism of Gentle Kindness?

Think of Joseph Campbell's great advice: Follow Your Bliss!

You may ask, Why be good? Why be kind? Why be gentle? Well, that is simple, it feels good, and makes others feel good. And the more of us  in the world who feel good, the better the world will be for all. Goodness is not a zero-sum game. Be fruitful and multiply the joy.

Buddha told us: Life is Suffering.
Jesus showed us Suffering was Transcendent.

I say, they were wrong. A Hedonism of Joy. That's the ticket, baby!