Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Crystalline Consciousness...

Funny, seeing clearly does pay off. You know, best to try to cultivate "crystalline consciousness." Be clear in thought and intention. Visualize.

This morning the thought-bubble in my head: The Overlords amongst us, those with all the Power & Money, Fame & Celebrity, are basically Pretenders & Frauds. Human Beings, flawed, contradictory, no better than any one else hanging out on the street-corner. Turns out lots of rich, powerful, well-known folks are pretty much clueless idiots. It may be that Power, Money & Celebrity are all crutches, truly obstacles and impediments to being well-rounded Human Beings. 

We all get it wrong. God is not Love. LOVE IS GOD. What's needed? Humility. Silence. Common Decency and Kindness. Small acts of being Small, ordinary. Just a Human with no B.S. - nothing to sell, nothing to prove, not worried about competing, stacking up, or about being judged by some weird, counter-human standard.

The a.m. soundtrack - Son Volt's "The Search" (2007) - Sounds amazing this morning. Revelatory. Inspiring. What a fabulous band. A band and a record a bit under the radar. This record is magnificent. And truly an artistic & humanistic statement worthy of attention. "It's the search, not the find..." - Jay Farrar