Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Being to Being...

Beings are Beings. 

I am of the Human variety. I spend lots of time with the Bird and Dog variety. I learn a lot by hanging with other types of Beings. Seems to me Birds and Dogs are pretty honest. I mean, hard to tell all that is going on in their worlds; Birds & Dogs have powerful means of perception, very different than I do. I don't know how they see, how they use their noses, what kind of calculations are swirling in their heads. Probably very different from my perceptions and noodle-ings. But of course, just as valid and powerful in navigating reality.

We have pretty clear, and straight-forward relationships. We all give each other lots of undivided attention. We tend to lock-in on the same wavelengths whether we are sitting in the sun room meditating, listening to music, having lunch (Birds), or out walking on the path (Dogs).

We meet Being to Being. We learn to respect each other, to trust each other. We are all seem very pleased to be together. There is a noticeable enthusiasm (giddy chirping, tail-wagging, jumping and playing),  when we meet and greet.

You know, attention, affirmation, food and treats are the currencies of our relationships. I primarily extend the hand, and they accept what I offer with what seems to be joy, pleasure, happiness, contentment, loyalty, dedication.

All this is in contrast with the Human to Human thing. In that realm? Lies, evasions, bad blood, false narratives, guilt, suffering, button-pushing. It is amazing how hypocritical Human Beings can be. And how cruel, how full of righteousness, anger and shit.

Seems counter to well-lived Life. Counter to Being Real. Human Beings will Lie themselves to the grave. Strange Beings, for sure. 

We Humans should take some lessons from all of the other Beings co-existing with us.  No doubt, we are a complicated, confused and contradictory species. Looks like we are really Fucked Up. And we are Fucking Up the Life-Supporting, Interconnected, Web-of-Life that exists on this spinning Blue Planet.

We can do better. The CLOCK IS TICKING!!!