Thursday, May 05, 2022

Bad Faith Juju...

I am not a lawyer. But I am fascinated by the Law and how it is wielded to protect the powerful and subjugate the weak. I am also fascinated by language, and it's many uses for both good and evil.

The draft opinion by the White Christian Ayatollah Black-Robed Supreme Court Judge Samuel Alito, striking down Roe v Wade (see previous two posts),  is based on this slim reed: “the inescapable conclusion is that the right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions”.

By the same logic you could take away reproductive rights from Women, Ban Gay Rights, Trans-Rights, Voting by Black Folks, Voting by Women, Marriage Between Races, you know, you could basically take down the Progressive Movement that has been unfolding over the last 100 years or so by the roots.

It is a dastardly bad-faith opinion. Seems Alito is saying that the only rights that are "real" are the rights of Privileged White Men. Everyone else is subject to their whims and dictates.

Gob-smacking. Bad Juju.  Bad Karma.  I do hope this will wake up the forces of progressivism. We can take nothing for granted. Vote. Organize. As Bob Marley once sang: "GET UP, STAND UP, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS..."