Tuesday, May 31, 2022

An Agreeable Aimlessness...

Yes. This morning: post-vacation. 

After a couple days of lounging by the pool. Not our pool. Exquisite. Plus a  few long, rambling walks. Good meals. Music. We rediscovered "The Piano Man." We hadn't seen him during the covid-lockdown years. So happy he made it thru and we made it too, to hear him play his keyboard near our favorite willow tree on the lakefront by the pond. We caught some ABBA, some Queen, "Yesterday," and my absolute favorite Elton John song, "Daniel." I got a little tear in my eye hearing that one.

A couple days of not having to go anywhere, if we didn't want to go anywhere, and we really didn't. You might think aimless, yes, a bit aimless, but it was an agreeable aimlessness.  This morning there are things to do, places to be. Back to being "Woke:" ALIVE, AWARE, AWAKE. Summer-time Woke-ness. Living is Easy in the moment.