Friday, May 13, 2022

A Solid Afternoon of Destruction...

Does everyone have a special skill?

I ask, because I think I have one. What would it be? Destroying things. Taking things apart. Breaking things. Clearing out debris. Knocking down things.

I'm not so good on the building things side of the equation. You know, building solid, tangible things? I failed "Shop" in High School. I kept planing and planing and finally the little wooden box I was making was so misshapen, ill-formed, and frankly ridiculous, that I tossed it in the garbage bin, said I lost it, and got an "F" because I couldn't face the humiliation of such a badly made thing. 

I have a bad sense of proportion. Materials never seem to fit, or match up. I take something apart, put it back together, and I always end up with spare screws, springs, washers.

Anyway, back to my special skill. 

It was on full display yesterday. I worked the garden plot. I hacked, and chopped, and uprooted, and dug and scraped, and clipped, and used all my muscle to transform an over-grown jungle of dead and weedy land. I sweated, I bled, ended up with a bandage on my hand,  just a scraped knuckle, my head was spinning like a top in the heat. Oh yeah, and the best tool in my hands, new set of garden clippers? I broke them.

Still, it felt good. I mean, it was all quite exhilarating. It is good to be good at something. Destruction. A clearing in the dirt. Dead branches cut down and stacked. A job well-done. A solid afternoon of destruction. Success!