Saturday, April 16, 2022

God-Like = Imagination...

Thinking about GOD this a.m. The "Great Almighty," The Big "Whats-it," "The Grand PooBah!" You know, Passover, Easter, Ramadan all collide this weekend. As Bono (Rabble-rousing singer & Protestant Preacher, often playing Jesus),  says (why do I think of GOD and Bono in the same breath?),  All Sons & Daughters of Abraham must COEXIST, seems we can't escape the wafting aura of things holy and profane this weekend.  Oh yeah, just a reminder: don't forget all those Holy Scribes, Prophets, Poets, Preachers of all faiths and flights of fancy were/are human beings, flawed, fallible, complicated, tricky, murderous, lecherous, intolerant, and corruptible.

Can't avoid the apocalyptic headlines this morning either. It's almost like an rolling apocalypse every day of the week. That's one of the results of being plugged into the Global information network. So yeah, the bleak, strange, horrific, illogical, fantastic and disturbing visions of Revelations seem to roll out across our consciousness and eyeballs every damn day. Apocalypse Now and Now and Now...

I coined this phrase on my own: "Everything is Holy. Life is Cheap."  The sacred and the profane are like a cross that we all carry every moment of our lives. Life: A beautiful gift that can be crushed and snatched away at any time. Life: precious, and totally ubiquitous.  One thing, everything, nothing.

If GOD, it's a phenomena that we can't even conceive. I mean conceive away, but it's all rubbish. Think maybe: Not human. Not benevolent. Not all-seeing and all-knowing. Just like a DUMB ROCK. Magnetic. Emitting vibes. Not a creator. Just an energy. Clueless and Careless.

We invent poetic images, we try to paint a different picture. We imagine a Big Daddy.  We don't realize that really our SuperPower is to Imagine, what is there and what isn't...