Saturday, March 19, 2022

Yes, that Molehill is a Mountain...

Can you make a mountain out of a molehill?

Sure. A small personal problem or event is blown up to massive, earth-shaking proportions.  That's life. That's the Human Thing right there in a nutshell.

Lose a tooth, (see previous post), and you'd think the planet cracked in two. Suddenly you feel like a different person, that every aspect of your existence has changed. The little corner of your mouth has been transformed, instead of nursing a spiky troublemaker, you are nursing what feels like a massive crater, a large fleshy void in furthest territory of your mouth.

There is mystery, a hushed quietness in that void.

Funny. You carry yourself gently. You cultivate silence. You are more careful. You eat less, you talk less, you turn inward. Yikes, I mean it was just a tooth., a poor wreck, a terrible excuse of a tooth.

Still, it's true, everything has changed...