Wednesday, March 09, 2022


Write a memoir?

I think about the long, winding road. The events of my life. Do I delve into the crazy, stupid shit I did as young person? Do I recount my failures, my successes? Not sure I want to wade into the past.

BTW - Did I have any successes?

Oh yeah, there was that Little League game, I was pitching, we were trailing by a run, and I hit a Grand Slam home run to win the game. It was accidental, no doubt. I remember running the bases, rounding third, heading home, and the coach and the whole team was at home plate, cheering and whooping it up. I tried my best to be cool, to not crack a smile, acting like it was no big deal, but I couldn't, I broke into a big grin and gave my body up to the high-fives, hugs and backslaps.

That was a little success right there. 

So, anyway, I probably won't be writing a memoir. I just don't really want to go back there, sift through the years. What's the point?

Safe to say, my memoir would be short, concise, no fluff:

That was then, this is now...