Monday, March 07, 2022

Inherent Flaws...

"So much trouble in the World." - Bob Marley

True then, true now. I think there is always a War. Always. Never-ending. Always, somewhere on this Little Blue Planet. Human Beings are an "aggressive" species. And most assuredly, not a smart as we think we are. Oh yeah, and we are pretty damn selfish too. Not so self-reflective. Combine those inherent flaws and you get lots of turmoil and Hurly-Burly. The Human Condition.

There are some, a few, who rise above the common traits, those who learn patience, discipline, humility, silence, Love, Charity, good vibes. Altruism anyone? They are good examples, folks we can all try to model ourselves after.

When bad shit goes down, it reflects badly on all of us as a species.  Yes, there is a bit of that "collective guilt" in world events. Somehow we are all complicit. We can and must do better. Human Beings, get your shit together...