Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Filter, Pick & Choose...

There are some distinct advantages to "Living in Your Own Private Idaho," you know, cultivating your own interior landscape. That is where your "calm center" is located.  Some of us have a vast and roomy interior space, built upon silence, and a disciplined meditation practice, where we reside, and where we can retreat, when things get weird and dicey. And, you know, in the human realm, things always get weird and dicey.  

Sure in Your Own Private Idaho you have your quirks, obsessions, madnesses, and rabbit holes, that's what makes it your own. But you don't have to obsess and be outraged by what everyone else is being obsessed and outraged about. You can filter, pick and choose. It is in the interior zone where you find and cultivate your "authentic self." No one can mess you there. It is a sanctuary, a retreat, a holy place. Often it's the only place to be.