Friday, February 04, 2022

Trust Yourself?

 Intuition"the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference."

Intuition. Is it a super-power or a trap?

Do you always trust your intuition, or are you sometimes suspicious of it? I ask because without going into explicit detail (protecting the guilty and the innocent), I have been dealing with a situation and a character who has been a bane of my existence in small ways and large. From the get-go, I "knew" something was wrong, I sensed it, but ignored it, and thought I could work around it. And I welcomed this character into the inner sanctum.

Yesterday it came to fruition. Of course, my first initial intuition (think of Allen Ginsberg's "first thought, best thought"),  many months ago was totally spot on. The character totally revealed himself. It is totally liberating to be proven correct. At the same time, I kick myself. "WTF was I thinking?" 

I let my rational thought lead me astray. Second-guessing is a slippery slope. I outsmarted myself. Not for first time. Sometimes you really should trust yourself, follow your gut instinct, you know, bypass your analyzer, disable your "rational calculating machine." Rationality has it's limits too.

 Another day, another lesson. Yikes.