Sunday, February 27, 2022

Searing, Hard-Earned, Reality...

There were the American Putin sympathizers and apologists. They included our former President (#45) and both left & right wingers yapping away: air pollution. It always seemed so out of tune, so wrong-headed, so anti-Democratic, and so anti-West, and frankly anti-American. Of course, here in USA, we value Freedom of Speech, so the price we pay is that we get to hear lots of stupidity and noise, and loud, out and out, counter-productive bullshit on the airwaves, in the inter-tubes, and down the block.

The over-riding idea in a Free Democracy, ideas are aired, and the best ideas and opinions rise to the top, we hope the best, smartest ideas compel and convince enquiring minds. Of course it doesn't always work that way. Case in point #45.

Anyway, bombs are falling, tanks are rolling, people are dying. It focuses and clarifies. What is important? What is worth living for? What is worth fighting for? Who is on the right side of History? Who are the collaborators, who are the apologists and sympathizers of murder, invasion, depravity, raw, unleashed power?

Turns out Putin isn't a cold, calculating chess player, he is a madman, a bully, a thug, delusional, trying to remake a world that no longer exists.  I heard the head of the Ukraine Orthodox church on the radio call Putin the Anti-Christ. Nice. This is not really new news. Many of us have known for a long time that Putin is poison to the West, to Freedom, to Democracy, to a Free Press, to Peace. So now, a searing, hard-earned, clarity. 

The West unites. Most of the world recoils from the horror. Those apologists and sympathizers squirm and tie themselves up like pretzels pretending they did not say what they so fervently said. Remember how #45 bowed and scraped before Putin?  Let us not forget who sided and collaborated with the Dictator before the storm.

Let us Hope and Pray that the invasion falters, Putin falls, and a new renewed world heals and recommits to Peace, Love and Understanding. It's the only way forward, naysayers be damned.