Monday, February 07, 2022

Cosmic Vibes...

Yes, an intense conversation yesterday with a close band member. We talked about how much music means to us: the listening to it, and the playing of it. We both agreed that early in our lives, since we were young, snot-nosed kids, music has been a major kick, inspirer, & guiding light. Might sound overblown, but both us believe music has been our primary spiritual path for most our lives. Music is a way, a calling, a faith, a religion, a mission, a reason to believe, and a reason to live. It's all about those cosmic vibrations wafting over us and thru us. Imagine being in a rehearsal room with a fabulous collection of collaborators, all working together, listening, responding, giving their all to a collective energy. Transformative. Life-changing, life-affirming. The best stuff, no doubt.