Thursday, January 06, 2022

Saving Democracy. It's On Us.

Shite goes down, and then we pick up the pieces, and try to figure out what happened. You think the "truth will out," that good will prevail, that common sense and rationality will win out, but it's all pretty dicey. Human Beings are Tricky. And they want to believe what they want to believe, despite facts, evidence, what's right in front of their noses.

I throw my lot in with the Sensible Ones. Let's take a deep breath, review the scene, sift thru the wreckage,  be honest, and not afraid to see the reality of events. Drop the Fear, drop the Hate, remember that Human Beings are fallible, fungible, and squishy. 

Being a Humanist, being a Progressive, and a Democrat, you know, someone who believes in Democracy, I am one of those who can see that our country is deeply divided. The divide looks bone-deep and insurmountable. And all the things I "believe in" can be taken away, crushed, destroyed, and trampled upon. Now that's a scary prospect, indeed.

I refuse to be pulled into the vortex of conspiracy-minded madness. I refuse to fall into deep cynicism. Clear-seeing. Clear-headed-ness. Open-minded-ness. Gravity does exist. We can be smart, see the common humanity that runs thru us all. Yes, there are really pissed off and totally politically-deluded folks out there, angry and armed and clinging to a false narrative. 

But, yes, truth will out. I do think so. We need to roll up our sleeves. Do the good work. Move forward. Stay positive, work towards a better, stronger Democracy. We do out-number the deluded ones. We need to be smart, work hard, and not lose the narrative thread. Reject the Big Lie. Reject the Big Liars.

There was a dastardly, cowardly act of insurrection on January 6, 2021. We must not forget. And all the perpetrators, and their allies must be brought to Justice. Let this anniversary be a reminder, we can and must do better. It's on us.