Monday, January 17, 2022

Guitars, Amps, Words...

Strange dream last night. 

I was talking guitars and amps with Neil Young. Man, he knows what he's doing, but he's also pretty set in his ways. Playing thru that beat-up, old Fender Twin Amp all these years. Still,  can't argue with the man or his catalog of work. 

Feeling a bit lost, empty this morning. MLK day. I have things to do, places to be. Have to keep moving. Keep my head in the game. 

Lately, it's all about staying healthy, keeping occupied; luckily I am working on some new songs, I am totally obsessed with placing the perfect words, in the perfect places and making them sound perfectly natural, effortless, seamless, and casual. 

Reading poetry lately: Shakespeare, Blake, Coleridge, Shelley, Yeats. Folks devoted to Art, Poetry, Words, Rhyme. Inspirers all. Human Beings who gave everything to writing words down on paper, creating indelible images in a reader's head. Images you can't shake, images that inspire and enlighten. The Good Work. Everything. Really.

The a.m. soundtrack - Filling the void with the glorious, amazing "Promises" (2021) - a collaboration from Floating Points, Pharaoh Sanders & the London Symphony Orchestra. A long, meditative work. Astonishing. Fills you with wondrous vibrations.