Monday, January 03, 2022

Get it On...

Usually when Monday rolls around here we call the day: Meltdown Monday. You know, the weekend is over, holidays are over, goofing off is "retired," and it's back to a "nose to the grind-stone" mode. All the bills are due: all the menial tasks, worries, doubts, the shit you need to do,  comes to the fore. You feel like melting into a pool of tears and uncertainty. But, nope, you have to look in the mirror, face the music, and get on with it.
As someone else said, you need to pull yourself together with "spit and duct tape." Yes, as V. Lombardi would say: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." It's that kind of morning. Bitterly cold out there.  No time for slacking. Need to fortify myself with coffee and just get on with it. Damn the torpedos.