Friday, January 28, 2022

Bright, Shiny, Positive...

Weighty things in my head. Then the lightness. 

Snowflakes falling this morning. I sip a coffee, feel the adrenaline rush. There is the hush of falling snow. Whiteness covers everything: streets, sidewalks, yards, parks. I must go out there a bit later this morning. Steel myself for the march thru snow, ice and cold. The Winter Slog. 

Another day. 

Keeping my head in the game. What with the extreme weather, and the still surging virus, my life has gotten quite, circumscribed. A tiny circle of existence. I fill that tiny bubble with everything I can muster: life, love, laughter, music, poetry, great literature, fabulous, healthy food. I do my best to lean to the light; keep myself bright, shiny and positive. It's the only way I know how to live.