Saturday, January 08, 2022

A Sinking Feeling...

There's that sinking feeling that the virus, Omicron variety, is ascendent. The Human Beings are tired of the virus, and living with the virus, but the virus is thriving, multiplying and sickening folks at an accelerating rate. Can't help but feel a bit deflated and defeated. We have stayed healthy around here. Vaxxed and Boosted, open to be Boosted again if need be. Also, wearing masks basically all the time, except at home. Most of the news is discouraging. The Pandemic rolls along. It's a show we've all had to watch and participate in, it's all getting so old, we thought we'd be past it by this point, but of course, if we want to grow old, we should try our best to stay safe and healthy. We are doing what we are supposed to be doing. Anyone not playing along, well, damn them to hell. Hah!