Tuesday, December 07, 2021

The Coffee Talking...

A friend who occasionally reads my blog once told me I write about coffee often. Maybe too often?! I am sure it's true. I am usually buzzing on coffee when I sit down at the keyboard. So, if what I am writing reads a bit excitable, fuzzy, weird, or under-cooked, blame it on my dedicated caffeine addiction.

This one is about coffee too.

I got into the habit of grinding my coffee and pouring water in the coffee maker the night before, making it ready for the morning brew. So when I stumble into the kitchen in the a.m. I just flick the switch on and it's starts doing it's thing.

I realize now, that this little act of forethought, and late night action is an act of affirmation, a small gesture of hope that there will be a tomorrow, and that I will need to fortify myself with coffee to face the new day once again. It's a small bit of conjuring. A projecting out into a supposed future.

I cast my thoughts into the darkness and carry a small flicker of light in my eye. Yes, we all, everyone one of us on the planet, will awake, we will face a new day together.  Alternatively, I now realize I must do this little action of projection. I must not forget to go thru the ritual of preparing my coffee machine for the next morning. It is a new, very big responsibility, once I started this little future-projecting project.

I have a strange, sneaky suspicion that if I failed to do it, I failed to prepare next day's brew, the world and everything in it would end. My one small omission would lead to Apocalypse. You know if there is a tomorrow, we all can thank, me and my coffee machine. Is that crazy or what?! 

Yes, I know,  totally bat-shit crazy, but, you know, I'm not sure,  maybe it's just the coffee talking?!?