Thursday, December 30, 2021

Some Deny & Deflect...

Hot damn. That raging virus really is relentless. Mutating. Furiously circulating in the Human Herd. It's serious, deadly, and super-transmissible. Funny. The Human Beings seem to be done with with virus, but the virus seems like it's just getting started. Folks can deflect and deny all they want, they can pretend it's all a grand conspiracy, or a political thing, some liberal plot, or whatever stone-cold stupidity they can think up to avoid being smart and responsible. The virus doesn't give a damn. It wants to live, to multiply, to prosper. It's happy to make us all sick, and send some of us to the hospital and kill many millions of us too.

Darwin. You think of Charles Darwin and his "dangerous idea." Evolution. Natural Selection. The Human Herd is "self-selecting" at the moment. Some folks are clinging to their delusions all the way to the grave. It's a pretty amazing thing to witness.

Getting vaccinated & boosted, wearing a mask,  still distancing, these seem like simple, clear-headed steps a thinking person would take. Strategies to survive, to get to breathe another day. Anything else seems so stupid, ridiculous, tragic, idiotic. Human Beings are the "tricky monkeys" who never tire of tricking themselves. Funny. In a not so funny way.

The a.m. soundtrack - Wilco's "The Whole Love" (2011) - A fabulous record in a long line of fabulous Wilco albums. Every time I spin this one, I think it's Wilco at a peak of invention, and dazzling musicianship. Jeff Tweedy sounds Lennon-like on some of these tracks and Wilco is at their creative, Beatles-like best. It reminds me of the Power of Love. My love for great music, my love for human ingenuity, my love for the best of humanity; even as I am also often disappointed, and horrified by the worst aspects of humanity and depths of human depravity. This record gives me hope for a better day, and our better angels. Every damn time I give it a listen. Wilco: excellent medicine. Hell, give me a shot, no make that two shots, and an extra booster too!