Tuesday, December 28, 2021


This morning listening to Thom Yorke and Radiohead's  "A Moon Shaped Pool" (2016). Emerging from a major gloom yesterday. Why the gloom? I don't know, probably a million reasons, but really no good reason. The gloom came upon me like a weather front. A deep darkness, fat clouds of emotion, pure feeling, sat on me, and totally inhabited my body. Gloom like a drug, an infestation; nothing to do but surrender. I could try put a name to the gloom, but the gloom was bigger than any puny name, idea or thought. I was in an ocean of gloom.

A long, fit-full night's sleep, and thankfully I am lighter this morning, with just the wispy memories of the darkness dancing out the top of my head.

Radiohead's album is the perfect morning soundtrack. I have always connected with this Radiohead album. A bit elegiac, not so much r&r; more floaty, with orchestrations. Musically quite majestic; suffused with Yorke's fragmented, fractured lines in the middle of a rich sound spectrum. A truly great band. Sometimes that "fractured-ness" has put me off, but then again, in the right mood, there is nothing better, nothing more evocative of our human situation. Best is when I have no idea what Thom is singing, just his haunting voice swirling above the sound.

Post-gloom today.