Sunday, December 12, 2021

Big & Small

Nick Cave is singing on the box this morning, he sings, "God is in the house," and I write the same sentence at the the same time as he is singing the line. "We wish he would come out, God is in the house." Taking dictation this morning from Nick. 

I am surrounded on all sides by light, blazing sunlight, it's a feature of this remarkable home I am residing in at the moment. 

Thinking big thoughts and small thoughts too. The big one: God is a useful idea. He, She or It. You think wouldn't it be nice if there were one being in the Universe who understood "what's what?" A brief comforting thought. But maybe too much to ask for, and finally probably irrelevant. 

You know, we are on our own. Bathing in the light, wondering what the day will bring, I mean, the small thought that looms large, maybe even the heart of the matter: "I wonder what's for lunch?!" And leaning towards an answer, well, it's a bit Godly, don't you think, to know, thinking with a flash of certainty, and the Lord said, "Maybe it Shall Be Pasta!"