Saturday, November 20, 2021

Watching the Noise Machine Push our Buttons 24/7!

Yikes. If you can retreat to the calm center of your head, (you know, it's a meditation technique), you can get a bit of distance and perspective on the wild-ass flow of events & information that threatens to engulf you any given day. The 24/7 Noise Machine is geared to trumpet and blare and fire you up, push all of your buttons, make you pissed-off, sad, hopeless, helpless & overwhelmed. It's not an evil machine, just a noisy one that feeds on eyeballs, clicks, and emotionally grueling events. If you can do a strategic retreat from your emotions by keeping your head, trying to maintain a certain calmness, you can watch the mechanism at work and observe which buttons are being pushed, and just by that knowing, you dissipate some of the effect. Just knowing that it is all just a mechanism, a process, geared to play with your emotions, to engage you, to enrage you, to entice you to continue to watch the car-crash over and over, to wring your hands, to look to the heavens, to weep and lament, you are already defusing, deflating, de-magnetizing the button.  Sometimes events unfurl before you and all you can really say: WTF? Holy Shite?!? What is wrong with Human Beings? Then you sit in your calm center and tell yourself, I can do better. And the crazy, stupid, noisy ones will not get to me.  I mean, hell, it's worth trying a more healthy way of consuming the unpalatable shite that flows in the Human Game.