Wednesday, November 24, 2021

It's Okay to Cry...

The longer I have had this "being a Human Being" gig, the easier it is for me to get to tears. I think it's a positive development. Turns out the days I start out in the kitchen crying my eyes out, emerge as soulfully beautiful days.

Why cry?

I would answer that question with another question...

Are you paying attention? 

I think of that old 10cc line, "Big Boys Don't Cry" and well, I think that's a "lie in our collective space." Nothing wrong with crying. Boys cry, men cry. Nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, probably very necessary for our mental health and well-being.

As I get older I get more pliable. More open-hearted/open-headed. Dylan's line comes to mind: "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."

Right. Events conspire. Some events are just unpalatable. You can't take them in, you can't explain them away, you can't really contain, or tame them. 

Tears. Really.  A lyric from one of my band's songs: "My tears will be the rain..." 

Yes, indeed, Often tears are the only correct response.