Thursday, November 11, 2021

Care at least a little...

Yes. It seems simple. Do good shit. Care at least a little. Try to not break shit. Instead, try to fix shit. Try in any little way possible to make the world a better place. Don't get too uppity. One step at time. Figure you have lots to learn, and that much of what you think you "know" is wrong, arbitrary, and most likely subject to reassessment. 

Humility & Grace in everything you do. 

None of this is hard. We just need to be decent Human Beings, with a bit of common-sense. Open-eyed, open-headed, open-minded. Think about Love and all the people and things that light up inside when we conjure up that word. Let's roll up our sleeves, pitch in, and try to make things work a bit better.

"Empathy is the fuel of democracy," President Joe Biden says. It's an "under-appreciated aspect of what makes governments work when they work."