Monday, October 25, 2021

Tiny Steps...

One thing goes wrong, and then all hell breaks loose. 

If the apocalypse comes, it will come in tiny steps. It's been that kind of extended weekend. I entered a vortex of hell. A downward spiral of fucked-up-ness. Started with three friendly beasts, ended up with me destroying my phone, nearly falling down a steep staircase, being awoken every two hours by blood-curdling barking, and lots of whimpering and yelping. Needy, needy beasts. Oh yeah, plus dealing with the blowback from a couple vaccine shots on Saturday. The power flickered on and off a few times too this morning, threatening, the very important daily ritual: brewing the morning coffee. Luckily the power came back on. So, yes, well, it's melt-down Monday, but you know, I am already pre-melted, no more melting to be had!