Friday, October 01, 2021

The Real Interior...

Real - " having objective independent existence..."

It is a conundrum, a puzzle, how to make your interior space real? You know, how do you visualize and make your "living room," real, not the living room in your home or apartment, I am thinking of the living room inside your own being

The trick is to find your inner-space, to make it real to yourself, and to reside in there, to keep it clear, clean, unobstructed, and only for you.  How to be objective and independent about your own interiority? How do you make it vivid, alive, real?

You have to imagine.  To visualize. To create images of your own interior space in your mind and make these images as real as possible.  It is a practice, a tool, a way, a path forward.

To what end? 

Clarity. Clear-headed-ness. Clear minded-ness. Getting your space is essential. The Universe and everyone and everything in it wants in on your space. You are flooded with thoughts, feelings, desires; there is all the needing, wanting, grasping.  You need to find the calm center. Drop the B.S. 

There is a tiny light in there. Go to the light. You can reside there. In the deep quiet, the deep calm-ness. Find yourself. Fill your interior with your own energy. Clear the cobwebs, toss out the trash. Clean-up time can be so liberating, life-enhancing. Clear.