Thursday, October 07, 2021

The Power of Goofing Off...

Yes. A survival strategy: Goofing Off (see previous post). Maybe not the best, most productive or efficient way to live, but, in retrospect, my time spent goofing off was pretty damn essential. It wasn't a plan, it wasn't a philosophy, it was a practice that I stumbled upon as a young whipper-snapper.

I was no prodigy. I wasn't a high-achiever. I didn't leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you know, I survived, I kept my head, I didn't lose my mind, I kept myself relatively happy and healthy.

I learned to be on my own. Marching to my own drummer. Spent a lot time in my room, reading, listening to records, playing guitar, basically lazing around, goofing off. I found my own inner space, and got comfortable there. I didn't need to seek approval from others.

And I found flow activities. Things that occupied my mind, my heart, my head, my soul. Totally engaged in the moment. Always onto something.

So yeah, goofing off sort of paid off for me. I am not saying you should do it. I am just noting that it turned out to be an excellent path of discovery for me.