Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Mix...

It is all chemistry. The mix. It's true for your head, your body, your spirit. The right elements in the right proportion. And it's a crap-shoot, an experiment, an on-going process. And what works today, might not work tomorrow. And you may have no idea what's missing, what's required, what should be eliminated. There is no rule-book or guide-book. You are on your own, you are your own laboratory.

What food? What liquids? Which vitamins? What images, thoughts, dreams? What to do, what to think? What not to do, what not to think? Is it an "Anything Goes Universe?"

You have to be on constant alert. What's happening RIGHT NOW? How do you feel? Is everything working efficiently? What is the weather-pattern inside your body? Do you have a hurricane in your solar plexus? Are there dark clouds in your cranium? Is your intestinal tract a roiling, boiling mess?

Feeling up, sideways, down?

Yesterday, I reached for the heavy medicine. Dark chocolate and guitars. Primo mood alteration methods. A few squares of that dark, rich power food. And getting myself situated on the bed, sitting cross-legged like a Buddha, strumming an old guitar.  

My experience? This combo never fails to transform a gloomy, up and down Monday into a vibrant, rollicking journey of discovery. The right mix. No doubt.