Friday, October 22, 2021

Hard Things First...

Sometimes you just have to step up. You find yourself having to do things you don't really want to do. And still, you must do them. I'm being a bit sketchy here, don't want to harm the innocent or out the guilty.

When I was younger, I'd pout, I'd rant, I would be super-recalcitrant, I would put off, I would procrastinate, I would go down kicking and screaming. Often, I'd end up having to do what I didn't want to do, but I would do it badly, or I'd end up doing whatever I had to do, and it would all go better than expected.

At the end of day, lots of wasted time, emotion, effort.

Those days are over. I live by a new code: Do the the hard things first. Just do the damn things you have to do. Don't think about it. Don't hesitate. Just jump in without a second thought. And, yes, tackle the hard thing first, when you have the most energy to do what you have to do.  

Embrace your responsibilities. Meet the day. Gladly. If need be: Fake it to make. Yes. Just do it.

For me, it is going to be that kind of day.