Saturday, October 09, 2021


Last evening we drove our rental car thru city streets in a fog. A literal fog. It gave familiar streets, signs, buildings, an unfamiliar glow. Everything looked different. The streets seemed wider, the lights were softer, the buildings no longer had hard edges, everything seemed a bit rounded, and dreamier. The real; the material, the asphalt, the concrete, the bricks, the steel, the trees, the curbs, the potholes, all seemed less real. Vaporous. The fog seemed to penetrate the car too, filled the space around us. Wrapped around our heads. Even the dashboard had a soft glow. It was like riding thru a dream-space. We felt a bit lost, a bit found. We pulled onto our street and parked on a hill. Dark trees looming. Mists wafting around us. Fog.