Friday, October 15, 2021

Expectations & Hopes...

Low expectations. High hopes. Maybe, I don't know, maybe that's a formula for better living? Expect nothing, or okay, that's too draconian, expect little, but carry a slight bubble of hope in your heart and head.

This morning, the sun is shining, the coffee is excellent, the music on the box (Sting's "Brand New Day," really, who knew?!) sounds amazing. Perfect.

Makes me wonder if maybe today can be a fabulous adventure. Even if it's basically me walking around the neighborhood on my appointed rounds. Sometimes just being alive is pretty damn cool.

Yesterday, my companion and I watched "Hamilton," on a big-screen TV. Usually theater recorded, seems to lose something, and I can imagine being in the theater live with the cast would be even more freaking amazing, but even on TV "Hamilton" is a thing of joyous wonder. Tears of joy came to our eyes. To see a work of human imagination so perfectly realized. It's an improbable, mind-expanding trip.

Yes. Life-affirming. Sometimes human beings can be pretty damn impressive. The best of us usually emerges in the creative arts. It's the soul work, the spirit conjuring work. Like I said, sometimes you can be greatly rewarded when you come to meet the day with low expectations, and those sneaky little high hopes.