Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Blowback, then Euphoria...

The blowback (head-ache, chills, general achy-ness) from my booster vaccine has passed.  I was knocked out for about a day and half. 

Suddenly, I now feel euphoric. It's like every cell in my body has woken up and is renewed. Who knows, maybe just my imagination?  I wonder if it's just me, or if other folks have had the same experience? I mean, we are all snowflakes, uniquely unique. 

I am so happy to be fully vaxxed and boosted against Covid-19. I am still gob-smacked that anyone is hesitating. It is mind-boggling that some folks are resisting & refusing to be vaccinated.

It is a strange world, and human beings are tricky. We all do stupid and risky things. Pretty sure it's a no-brainer that life is good, every day is precious. It makes sense to be careful, to try to be smart, to listen to "experts."

Trust. It's a slippery slope. So much bad information, disinformation, cynicism, bad blood, tom-foolery. How to wade thru it all? Gently, carefully, with eyes wide open. I have my go-to sources: NPR News, New York Times, Washington Post, The New Yorker Magazine, a few journalists, writers I respect. I avoid the loud-talkers, the cable-news noise, the folks who pretend to know everything. I avoid the bible-thumpers.

I do believe in the scientific method.  I think vaccines are pretty much a proven, wonderful, life-saving strategy. Science and medicine at it's best. But, you know, that's just me.