Wednesday, September 15, 2021

"Kissing his Fat Butt..."

More bombshells from the latest Bob Woodward book about the Trump Debacle Years. This one is called "Peril." It is amazing we lived thru this shit, and our fragile Democracy has (barely) survived. How to sum up all the stories coming out now?

The Fat Gaseous Dirigible nearly burned the house down.  The Joint Chiefs were worried the Fat Gaseous Dirigible was going to launch a pre-emptive strike on China just for the fuck of it. And most of the folks around him just stood around with their thumbs up their asses.

There are a few heroes in the saga. Including my favorite, the leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.  According to the book, this is a real conversation that she had with Mark Miley the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: 

This is all so Stanley Kubrick-Dr.-Stangelove-Like, except in this case Trump was the bomb.  Fat Gaseous Dirigible slimed the country in so many ways.  We are still digging out of the pile of shit he dropped on us. Yikes...