Sunday, September 12, 2021

Head in the Game...

If you pressed me, I guess I would say the only thing that has kept my "head in the game," is keeping my head in the game. What game? The game of imagining, creating, collaborating.

We have done it in various ways thru the years, especially thru theater, poetry, music, art. 

Lately, having a band, creating music with a group of musicians, in tune, all on the same wavelength has been amazing, gratifying, totally exciting, fulfilling and satisfying.

We sorely missed it all during pandemic lockdown. We are back at it, rehearsing indoors, all masked, and a bit distant, and we have played out in the world, in parks, gardens, on sidewalks, in alleys.

Nothing quite like creating and collaborating with gifted and giving human beings. Also, we are reminded that there is an audience thirsty for it all. 

Amazing. Beautiful. Keeps my head in the game, feeds the heart, the head, the soul.