Sunday, September 19, 2021

Carnival Ride Gone Wrong...

There is the noise, the funk, the hurly, the burly, the toil, the trouble, all that jazz, and razzmatazz. It's like a family of bees buzzing around in your head. Human Beings swarming around you, dizzy with spirits, needing, wanting, grasping, desperate to be happy, desperate to feel alive, desperate not to die.

It's an awesome thing, to be in the middle of the maelstrom, the calm center in the eye of the hurricane. Watching the world spin off it's hinges like a some terrible carnival ride gone wrong. Separate, detached; I retreat into myself. There is a sanctuary, in the calm center. A secret garden. I retreat to that safe space, licking my wounds, with thoughts of healing & repairing and reconstituting a new configuration. Imagining another frame. "Keep calm, carry on." Yes, indeed.