Monday, September 06, 2021

Being in Tune...

Being "in tune."

I think of Pete Townshend's song: "There once was a note, pure & easy..." 

Pete was running with that idea that the Universe is made up of vibrations (also see "Tommy"), and each one of us has our own, unique note which we carry, and embody. We all vibrate at our own frequency, a frequency unlike any other. We are musical notes in some grand symphony.

We are out in the Universe, matriculating, looking for others that we are in tune with, you know folks who embody complimentary notes. There are some folks who we are totally in tune with, those would be folks we love and hang with, and then there are those who we totally out of tune with, they might be the bullies and tormentors, "the stupids," those who at the present moment in time refuse to play along, refuse to vaxx and mask up endangering themselves and everyone around them. 

What happens when the in tune folks bump up against the out of tune folks? Dissonance. A clash of vibes. Not heavenly music, but un-heavenly noise, an unholy racket.

This a good time to see who you are in tune with and who you aren't. Vibrate away, dear Pilgrim. Best to look for those human beings finely tuned to your own unique frequency. A beautiful noise, that's the idea.