Thursday, September 02, 2021

Alternate Path...

Yes, just because everyone else is mad, sad, overly-glad, super-excited, agitated, angry, violent, stupid, nutzo, over-bearing, loud, proud, insane, addicted to opioids, drunk on their asses, whipped up into a consumerist-frenzy, unthinking, unreflective, hyper, anxious, frothing at the mouth, treating themselves with horse-de-wormer, needing, wanting, grasping at straws, arming themselves with assault rifles, stuffing their fat guts with fast-food, hating on humanity; doesn't mean you have to go along and get along.

Nope. You can choose an alternate path. You  do not need to follow the Human Herd.

Choose to be Silent, Calm, Collected, Thoughtful, Graceful, Reflective, Meditative. Don't let the World push your buttons. Breathe, Think, Care.  

You can choose to be... Alive, Aware, Awake. Soulful. Full of Soul! Damn the Fucking Torpedos.