Monday, August 02, 2021

Playing the Dichotomy

Playing with the exhaustion/depletion and energy/renewal dichotomy. A few days I found myself on the ropes. Bone-tired, dog-tired, just plain tired. Hot & bothered too. There is a temperature/humidity combo that is pretty deadly. Saps your energy. Brings your blood to a boil, makes your head spin off its axis.

Too hot to sleep comfortably too. 

So pretty quickly you get that "under siege" feeling. The barbarian hordes are at the palace gates and they are ramming thru your golden doors. It takes a lot of energy to get your space. You struggle to find your space with the temps, with the tiredness, with the energy-drain, with the raging hordes. Getting your space takes energy too, and energy, oh sweet energy is in short supply.

Luckily, the heat & humidity breaks, cooler temps prevail. A nice northerly breeze wafts across the land. Suddenly the day caresses. Sleeping is better. A long, luxurious sleep. The pillows feel like clouds. The bed is a magic carpet. You sleep, you dream, you wake up refreshed. Amazing.

I'm thinking good meals and lots of cold drinks helped right the ship too. Always trying to find that perfect balance. We are all chemistry sets, looking for the right formula. This a.m. everything seems perfect and in its right place. 

Wm. Blake (again): Energy is Eternal Delight!