Friday, August 20, 2021


Disconnected narrative lines...

We are stardust, we are golden (hat-tip: singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell).
We are fleshy bags of particles (hat-tip: physicist Brian Greene).
We are beings made of flesh & bone.

We are more than our bodies.
We are radiant, fiery beings.

The carbon in our bones is the same carbon that is found in the stars.
We are star stuff. (hat-tip: cosmologist Carl Sagan)
We are imprisoned by our senses five (hat-tip: poet William Blake).

Space and time does not exist in the world of spirit.
We have evolved from monkeys. (hat-tip: scientist/biologist Charles Darwin)
We are connected to everything in the Universe. (see "super-string theory," hat-tip (again): physicist Brian Greene).

We are alone.
We are not alone.

Reality is a hard mother.
Imagination is a super-power.

We dream, we fly.

No one knows.
Everyone knows.

Everybody knows this is nowhere. (hat-tip: singer-songwriter Neil Young).