Sunday, July 11, 2021

We Can Heal Ourselves...

You know they tell us, do the work. Work on yourself to make yourself a better version of yourself. Sounds a bit self-absorbed, but, you know, maybe it's true, maybe this working on ourselves is necessary? 

How to go about this work? 

I'd say sitting still, meditating, getting comfortable in your skin, noticing your thoughts, desires, emotions. Noticing the hot buttons, the things that set you off. Getting your head clear. Yes, clear consciousness is important. 

Are you living someone else's picture? Are you living your life, or someone else's idea of how you should live? What are you loyal to? What fires you up? What are you passionate about? What do you want to do with your time on the planet? Where do you want to go?

Hopes. Dreams. Flow activities. What do you LOVE to do? Do it. Often. Give yourself up to something bigger than yourself.

I do think we can heal ourselves. If we are attentive. Alive. Aware. Awake. We must be patient, disciplined, kind, gentle, and go forward with grace & humility.  Be kind, to ourselves, and to others.