Friday, July 16, 2021

Of course...

I suppose it might sound a bit trite, easy, obvious, and cliche. It's just a riff off of Joseph Campbell's great line: "Follow Your Bliss."

But, you know, our time on this planet is limited. We all are on a journey. A journey of self-discovery and self-actualization. We are all heroes of our own long and winding narratives. We are here to figure out what we can figure out, and to do our best to live with heart, soul and love.

We are here to experience life to the fullest.

We aren't alone. We share life with life-forms of all kinds. We are important to ourselves, and at the same time, if we are fully awake, we realize that life is a gift and the Universe is a hard, intimidating, awesome place that is not "all about us."

So, yes, "Do what you love," is probably the best advice you can give anyone. Find what you Love, and do that. As much, and as often, as possible. Maybe you love many things? If so, you are lucky. 

Fill your life with the things you love to do. I know, simple.