Saturday, July 03, 2021

Doing the Work...

Doing the work. 

Turns out the Universe is too big for us to fix. It ain't happening. The Universe will do what the Universe will do. That's a fact. 

And Humanity? 

Too many of us running around on this spinning globe. Everyone has a story. Everyone has their own point of view, their own reasons. Everyone must look into their own souls to figure out what's what.

So, doing the work, means doing the work on ourselves. Trying our best to live with Heart, Integrity, Love, Laughter, Grace, Kindness, Honesty. Maybe try to live as your own better angel, and in that way, serve as an example to others? 

A tall order. But that's really the work. Live with the questions, and sift thru the muck and madness to see if there are any tentative answers to be had. And you know, we can live without answers. We are bounded by Mystery.

And that's OK...