Friday, June 18, 2021

The Shepherd, Cured by His Flock...

Some days, I am Lonesome Traveler. It is just me, and my furry friends traversing the neighborhood, the byways and paths of our little Progressive Blue Bubble.  I like it like that. Lonesome, but not really lonely. Plenty of space in my head for thinking, planning and dreaming.

Yesterday, it wasn't like that at all. My head was in a vise. It was like Sam Shepard's "The Unseen Hand," a big hand pressing down on my head, like the hand of God or some Alien Being. So there was a constant pressure, not exactly pain, but a pressure that kind of demanded my attention.  Every step had a little more weight and gravity. Not sure if maybe it was the barometric pressure, or some other cosmic energy making itself felt in my being.

And funny, I was suddenly a magnet. I was magnetized. I was suddenly a "strange attractor." Folks came to me out on the path like I was some kind of Preacher or Prophet, or Wise Man who needed to be consulted. One after another. A stream of folks. Some I knew, some I didn't. Suddenly everyone saw me, knew me, wanted to reacquaint,  or wanted to be my new, best friend.

I was suddenly visible and immensely, uncommonly popular. The man of the moment. It was a bit disconcerting. But with all of that human activity around me, with folks confiding in me, seeking advice, chattering, and kibitzing around me, the Unseen Hand magically lifted.

I found a new clarity and freedom. The Shepherd, miraculously cured by his flock!