Monday, May 03, 2021

Vast Pools...

The Universe - Enormous. Ever-expanding. Contains everything.

Human Beings - Tiny. Temporary. A small slice of consciousness and being in the bigger pie of consciousness and being.

Fears, Worries, Doubts.  Do these feelings/emotions exist in the Universe, or in Human Beings only?

I mean, are fears, worries, and doubts generated by Humans? Do we project them onto the Universe? Or are we tapping into vast pools of emotion? Are we transmitters, or receivers? Or both? Or neither?

I want to know. I don't know. 

I started thinking that it would be cool to be able to drop the fear, the worry, the doubt, and just BE. Be alive, aware, awake armed with clear consciousness. To perceive, to wonder, to act clearly, and cleanly with out any "hitch in our giddy-up." I know it's a Zen idea, but what if we can know and do for real, all the time, in the moments of our lives?

If there is a vast pool of fear, maybe better to drop the fear?
If there is a vast pool of worry, maybe better drop the worry?
If there is a vast pool of doubt, maybe better to drop the doubt?

The Universe just is.  Maybe we can act as if we are too?