Saturday, May 08, 2021

The Upside of Being Fully Vaxxed...

Ha. We are fully vaxxed, and feeling positive about getting back to a few essential activities we haven't been able to do in over a year. 

The upside of being "super-covid-militant," is that we didn't get sick and die due to the global pandemic. The downside, we gave up most of our social activities. Probably the deepest, hardest cut: we gave up playing music with our band in rehearsals and out in the wider world.

Last night, we finally had a session at our rehearsal studio with a few other players. It was magnificent. We were all over-joyed to make a beautiful noise together. All of us vaxxed and breathing easily. So life-affirming. 

Funny. We lost one of our band members in the course of this pandemic, no, not to illness, but to the conspiracy-craziness rampant thru the human herd. One of our members refuses to be vaccinated. He rails about "Evil Big Pharma." Hilarious. Ridiculous. He is now a former member of our band. That's how it happens. Sometimes in just a blink of an eye.

It actually feels good to close that door. And funny enough, another door, another player magically appeared. Feels like a renewal of our band and music.

We also bumped up against another crazy person. Seems one of the other folks who occasionally uses the studio space is a full-blown Q-Anon nut job. She believes that the vaccine is a global plot, that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are dead, and that body-doubles are running the government. Yikes. What can you say?

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. No doubt. So glad we are living in a certain reality where common sense, logic and gravity still exist. Plus, now we can play music once again with other musicians in a room together. Magnificent!