Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Yeah, Mystery, Right...

I have no problem embracing the mystery at the heart of all things. I don't think it's a cop-out. I do think we are here to see, to observe, to gaze, to wonder, to try to figure things out, but at the same time, it's ok, maybe even essential, to admit that all our knowledge is partial, incomplete, often up for revision.  It's ok to change our minds, to sift thru the evidence and to rarely come to final conclusions. We live in a lively, morphing, overwhelming Universe. We are limited by our senses and by our malleable and fallible brains. We have some great tools at our disposal, we have achieved some great things as a species, but it's all fungible, erasable, kind of paltry in the grand scheme of things. Yeah, mystery, right.