Thursday, April 08, 2021

Music in Our Kit-Bag of Tricks...

There is a character in Roberto Bolano's great, epic novel "2666" who talks about how music is the "fourth dimension." That totally resonates with me. All musical expression, from the most insipid to the most beautiful & gorgeous is a vehicle of transformation. Whether just listening*, or composing/creating, or playing, music is one of my go-to sources of transcendence. 

It is funny. Much of my life has been trying my best to "be here now." But at the same time, I have always been on the hunt for transcendence. I have had a few life-defining instances where I have glimpsed another realm, a realm where everything is connected, everything is holy, everything is everything. It's hard to write or talk about. The experience can't really be contained or explained.

But I have been there. And I know there are paths to get there. I believe this is just another human thing. Something that I am working thru, like a blindman in the dark. Music; another tool in our kit-bag of tricks that we employ to make it thru this life without going mad, or giving up, or turning into a cold, life-less lump of coal.

*For instance, while I am writing this post, I am listening to "Buena Vista Social Club," (1997) and I am instantly transported to Havana, Cuba with Ry Cooder and an incredible group of Cuban musicians. Vivid. Gorgeous. Beautifully performed and recorded. Another time and place. Humans creating fabulous music together, so rich, and life-affirming. The fourth dimension of transcendence...