Sunday, April 11, 2021

Intuition & Gut Instinct...

Ha, ha, ha...

Oh man. I can't even listen to, or take, my own advice (see previous post). Facing a difficult situation, I was wrestling with myself yesterday morning. The previous post was basically me, giving myself a pep talk to just shut up. To wait and see what was to transpire. To let a situation somehow resolve itself. 

Nope. Funny. I just could not do it. True to form, I had to jump directly into harm's way, head straight into danger, damn the torpedos, wade in with both feet, blood flying.

I wanted to be ZEN. My head was telling me I should chill out. Let it flow. Be silent. But I just could not do it. My intuition, my gut instinct demanded that I do something, that I "make something happen."

I wonder what's next? 

I either made a major blunder, or who knows, maybe I moved the football up a few yards? Sorry for the vagueness, the lack of specifics, but basically this is about a situation that has loomed over me the last few months. A problem that just seems to resist any kind of sensible solution or resolution.

I went in mental guns blazing. I'm either a hero or a fool. 

I guess we shall see.